Anh hoat dong

Anh hoat dong
activity pictures

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 1, 2011

Unit 4: Tell Me About Your Family

Activities and Instructions:

Cut this paper in half so that one side is only descriptions and the other is only pictures.  Find a partner.  One of you should take the sheet of descriptions and the other should take the sheet of pictures.  The person with the descriptions should read them out loud, while the other partner tries to find the picture that matches.  Then, switch.

Find a partner.  One person should read the passage out loud three times.  The other person should listen the first time and not write anything down.  The second and third time the passage is repeated, the listener should take notes.  The notes do not need to be exact, but they should include as much information as possible.  After the notes have been taken, the listener should write them in sentence form, paying attention to grammar. 

Practice the voiceless and voiced TH sounds.  Place your tongue between your teeth.  Do not bite down on the tongue or stick it out too far.